Digital transformation
CT successfully completes the Digital HBE Twin project,...
Measuring the way cities move is a key vector to achieve sustainable mobility that benefits both passengers and workers, and the environment in general. Along this line, over the course of 2022, CT developed the Digital Human‐Bus Environment Twin project, a...
MRO Light Transport Aircraft Manufacturing Engineering
C295 displayed at the ILA Berlin air show ©COPYRIGHT Airbus_2022_Schwarzbild Over the last decade, we have been working in Part-145 aeronautical maintenance centers in both civil and military fields (EASA / PERAM), with a specific training plan in aeronautical...
We optimize fleet readiness by providing technical supp...
A330 AIB in maintenance – hangar repair. Source: Airbus Media Center CT ensures the operational readiness of aircraft by guaranteeing compliance with all requirements for safe, inexpensive and competitive operations during the development, design and life cycle of...
We provide our customers full support for electrical in...
A320 Family Final Assembly in Hamburg. Source: AIRBUS Electrical system installation design is one of the core activities we have been providing to Airbus and Airbus DS for more than ten years in different programs, including the C295, A330MRTT, A400M and A350XWB. We...
We manage the entire life cycle of all technical docume...
We produce technical documentation for an entire fleet of aircraft, integrating information from the different manuals that make up these publications. This includes information related to new aircraft and also to aircraft already in service that require further...
CT has been providing engineering services related to d...
NH90 Finnish Armed Forces. Source: Airbus Copyritgh: Puolustusvoimat We have helped define the primary and secondary structures of their most important programs, NH90 and TIGER, and customized several helicopters, including the H135. Structural Design modification of...
Augmented Reality
Improve your fleet management system using Virtual and ...
In order to help our customers more efficiently manage their fleets, CT has developed one of the most immersive and cost reducing tools available in the market. We can help you to reduce time and costs spent on training and better maintain your fleet, by giving you...
Manufacturing engineering support throughout the whole ...
MRTT Refuelling A400M. Source: Airbus Media Center The Airbus A330 Multi Role Tanker Transport (MRTT) is an aerial refueling tanker aircraft based on the civilian Airbus A330. Since 2009, CT has been supporting Airbus DS in manufacturing engineering activities related...
We help Airbus optimize the A400M maintenance process p...
A400M MRO ©COPYRIGHT Pablo_Cabellos The Airbus A400M is a European four-engine turboprop military transport aircraft. It was designed by Airbus Defence and Space as a tactical airlifter with strategic capabilities to replace older transport aircraft, such as the...
We perform high value-added activities for the A350 XWB...
A350-1000 British Airways MSN326 FAL start. Ⓒ Airbus SAS 2019 Philippe Masclet – Master Films CT has been providing engineering services for the A350 XWB S-19 since 2014. Thanks to our long experience we have become highly specialized in the 900 and 1000 versions and...
We support Airbus throughout the verification & val...
AIRBUS formation ©COPYRIGHT AIRBUS-S.RAMADIER: The A400M Integration Simulator is a key tool in the verification & validation process. The test bench is connected to a large amount of real equipment to ensure the authenticity required for a number of tests such...
The challenge of transforming the most modern ocean res...
"The largest exploration rig for ocean research and production of multimedia contents that has ever sailed" (James Cameron) The <a href="">OceanXplorer</a>, born from the conversion of a former oilrig supply vessel (PSV) at...