by admctgroup | Mar 4, 2024
Plastic waste is suffocating our oceans, with eight million metric tons entering the waters each year—equivalent to a garbage truck’s load every minute. This crisis spans from the ocean depths to human health, as plastics infiltrate the entire food chain. Using river...
by admctgroup | Feb 26, 2024
In a groundbreaking collaboration, CT is at the forefront of revolutionizing industrial processes with the launch of ImaginA project. This initiative marks a significant progress in applying state-of-the-art artificial intelligence (AI) and computer vision technology...
by admctgroup | Jan 31, 2024
CT is making progress with the IADGENOL R&D project aimed at researching Deep Learning models for the automatic control and characterisation of AWE (Airborne Wind Energy) systems for wind energy generation, forming part of the framework of the call for...
by admctgroup | Nov 15, 2023
CT, from its delegation in Bilbao, leads the Basque R&D initiative ADDHOC, which will develop a new family of digital tools, CAx, to introduce new metallic additive technologies in industrial sectors with mechanical, short series and highly customized...
by admctgroup | Sep 27, 2023
Around the world, various small space launcher initiatives have emerged to provide more affordable and flexible satellite launch services. These initiatives have become possible due to the miniaturization of components and a shift toward smaller, resilient satellite...