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Designing of passive antennas for Airbus’ EUTELSAT 36D communication satellite program
Eutelsat 36D. Source: Airbus Media Center

We have been selected by Airbus to work on its next program, requested by Eutelsat, one of the world’s leading satellites operators. EUTELSAT 36D is a key multi-mission geostationary telecommunications satellite for TV broadcasting and government services over Russia, Africa and Europe. Eighth Eurostar Neo combines increased payload capacity and more efficient power and thermal control systems with reduced production time and optimised costs, as part of a fully digitalised production process.

Our experts will work on the design of the passive antennas for the satellite, strengthening our partnership with Airbus in space programs that began more than a decade ago.

CT’s recent collaboration in the thermal and mechanical design of the BADR-8 antennas, which were a turning point in the conceptual design of passive antenna, improving standardization processes, and optimizing costs and deadlines, will be useful in our work with EUTELSAT.

BADR-8 supposed a change with respect the previous telecommunications programs in which CT also participates such as: Egypsat, SES10, SES12, and many others.

CT’s selection for this project is the result of our wide experience in space programs, not only in telecommunication satellites, but also in meteorological satellites such as Metop-SG, science satellites such us JUICE, and launchers, such as ARIANE. Programs where CT have contributed their knowledge in mechanical and thermal analysis and design.

CT’s contributions in quality and time have made us a key partner to satellite manufacturers, such as Airbus and OHB.