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CT will develop a universal automated ventilation and rescue system for the automotive sector

Over the next two years, CT will be involved in the ESCAPE R&D project, whose goal is to design and develop an innovative system for lightweight, automated roof windows for ventilation and rescue.
This is a universal solution, since it can be used in any model of bus, and totally innovative thanks to the remotely operated emergency extraction system and a window design that will drastically reduce weight, which is key to fuel savings and ease of operation.
The project has a multidisciplinary consortium, led by CT, in partnership with Industri, and with financing from the Hazitek program of the Basque Government’s Department of Economic Development and Infrastructures.

CT launches the ESCAPE R+D project whose objective is to design and develop an innovative system for lighter, automated roof windows for ventilation and rescue. Together with its Spanish partner Industri, a manufacturer of automotive accessories, CT is taking another step forward as a leader in the Basque automotive sector through the development of a new product that is technologically superior to what exists on the market, and universally applicable to any model of bus. In order to achieve this objective, new technologies such as additive manufacturing, connectivity, material studies and, of course, optimized designs will be used.

This project is highly innovative, as there is currently no remotely operated system like the one proposed and with such superior electromechanical characteristics in the industrial environment. Given the need and demand detected, the consortium will develop a universal automatic solution over the next two years, that is lighter and technologically superior, importing the methodology of isolation, protection and unlocking of the hatches and emergency panels of the aviation sector. The window will be able to be operated from any location, with manual and automatic systems that guarantee safety. To this end, the companies will first tackle the challenge of designing a new window with a considerably lower weight than the existing ones, a drastic reduction that will be key to ease of operation and fuel savings.

The CT team will focus on the engineering, systems and calculation tasks, while Industri will be responsible for the manufacturing and validation of the project in its own test laboratory.

Through this project, CT aims to consolidate its position in technological development for the automotive sector, diversifying its catalogue of capabilities related to innovative technologies with great potential, such as additive manufacturing or new lightweight materials. In addition, effective collaboration and complementarity with other reference companies in the sector is expected to have continuity and to lead to new projects and developments of increasingly high added value.


The project (ZL-2020/00918) carried out by a consortium led by CT, in partnership with Industri, is supported by the Hazitek program of the Basque Government’s Department of Economic Development and Infrastructures.