Green hydrogen: the present and future of energy transition.


05 Sep 2024

Hydrogen: from universal element to a green solution

Hydrogen is the simplest and lightest chemical element, made up of just one proton and one electron. In its natural state, hydrogen forms as a diatomic molecule and is a tasteless, colorless, and odorless gas.

It constitutes about 75% of the universe, but on Earth, it doesn’t exist in its pure form. Instead, it’s found combined with other elements, like oxygen in water or carbon in organic compounds. This means hydrogen must be produced artificially, turning it into an energy carrier. In other words, energy is used to produce hydrogen, which can then store and release that energy when needed.

Green hydrogen (also known as renewable hydrogen) is produced using renewable electricity through water electrolysis. The key advantage of green hydrogen is that it doesn’t generate CO2 emissions. Hydrogen created through other sustainable methods, such as biogas reforming, biochemical conversion of biomass, photoelectro catalysis, or photothermo catalysis, also qualifies as green hydrogen.

The role of green hydrogen in the energy transition of the future

Today, we face a dual challenge: reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and tackling climate change, which has been intensified by population growth and increasingly energy-intensive lifestyles.

In this context, where a reliable, affordable, and clean energy future is crucial, green hydrogen stands out as an essential energy carrier. Green hydrogen isn’t just a vital resource for industry; it’s also a zero-carbon energy carrier that makes the transportation and storage of renewable energy more cost-effective. It plays a crucial role in decarbonizing sectors like industry, transportation, and construction.

Innovation and progress with green hydrogen projects: CT’s commitment to sustainability

At CT, we’re proud to be at the forefront of the push for a greener, more sustainable future through the development of green hydrogen projects. We’re focused on innovating and scaling solutions that not only address today’s energy needs but also shape the energy landscape of tomorrow.

Key milestones in our green hydrogen projects

Hydrogen Plant in Puertollano: This project is the largest of its kind in Europe to date and serves as a milestone in the industry. Over a 15-month period, it involved a multidisciplinary collaboration for detailed engineering, construction oversight, and legal compliance management, all aimed at defining the various systems within the plant.

Pilot plants collaborating with CNH2: We’re leading the way in integrating hydrogen with natural gas through closed systems designed to optimize and evaluate hydrogen blending. This is a critical step toward making hydrogen commercially viable as a mixed energy source.

Global and national green hydrogen market analysis Through in-depth analysis, we’ve gained valuable insights into the dynamics of the green hydrogen market. We’ve identified emerging technologies, evaluated both operational and capital costs, and highlighted the key players in the industry.

Large-scale project consulting: Our expertise includes economic and technical evaluations for the future construction of hydrogen plants up to 400 MW, focusing on crucial factors such as degradation and energy efficiency.

Development and simulation of cooling systems We’ve conducted extensive comparative studies on cooling systems for 1 GW plants, analyzing factors like plant footprint, water and electricity consumption, and associated costs. Our goal is to optimize the design and operation of these facilities.

Technical support for scaling up electrolyzers We provide technical support that’s crucial for scaling up green hydrogen production. From assisting in process design and validation to helping establish business units for electrolyzer assembly, our expertise has been key to moving from lab-scale to industrial-scale production.

Future outlook and commitment

At CT, we’re committed to developing technologies that not only transform our clients’ production processes but also have a positive, lasting impact on society. For years, we’ve been dedicated to advancing green hydrogen projects, with several standout initiatives:

Beyond these projects, we’re continually exploring new paths through R&D and innovation. This includes developing a containerized, transportable system for reforming biogas produced by the anaerobic digestion of organic waste. This system is adaptable for mobility and intermittent use without increasing the industrial footprint. We’re also working on designing specialized equipment for hydrogen storage in the aerospace industry and running simulations to assess the flight capabilities of hydrogen-powered aircraft.

Advancements and future perspectives

Green hydrogen is an incredibly promising technology that could significantly reduce emissions in the energy and heavy transportation sectors. It’s a crucial part of the low-carbon technology toolkit that can help decarbonize our current energy system, but more research is needed to unlock its full potential.

Hydrogen has long been touted as the fuel of the future, and over the next decade, we expect technological advancements to make its use economically viable. At CT, we’re committed to continuing our investment in green hydrogen projects that will not only enhance our clients’ production processes but also contribute to a better future for society.

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