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CT successfully leads the first work meeting of the DRONEGEN project to make Galicia a benchmark in the AWES sector.

• CT estima involucrarse en el desarrollo de más de diez programas de reactores avanzados modulares para impulsar la producción de energía limpia y sostenible.

• La compañía colaborará con distintas empresas francesas del sector a lo largo de todo el ciclo de vida de estas plantas, aportando capacidades en ingeniería mecánica, eléctrica, de sistemas y procesos.

DRONEGEN kick-off meeting

Marsella, 24 de enero de 2025

CT, a leading technology company that provides innovation and engineering services throughout the entire product life cycle, as the leader of the DRONEGEN project, has successfully led the first meeting of the work group formed by different Galician companies, including the Technological Institute of Galicia, Delta Vigo, Axter Aerospace, Gradiant, Enaire, Aimen Technological Center, Signal Software, CATEC and the University of Vigo. The aim of this initiative is to make Galicia the global centre of excellence of the airborne wind energy systems sector (AWES), a disruptive technology for generating wind energy that completes the already existing range to provide solutions that go beyond the reach of all of the others.

The meeting was also attended by the Galician Aeronautical Consortium, led by its president, Enrique Mallón, who highlighted the importance of the creation of this working group to polarize the aeronautical industry in Galicia. “The group that’s been created brings together technical, technological and production capabilities, which can make it a project that drives development; especially at a time when energy is one of the fundamental vectors for the industry.”

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