Course 1

Dassault Systems

Get quickly onboard with the first of the five 3DEXPERIENCE Worlds, a full SaaS offering with 3 roles: Collaborative Business Innovator to foster innovation in all domains, 3DCreator &
3DSculptor to unleash creativity in 3D

Dassault Systems


Get quickly onboard with the first of the five 3DEXPERIENCE Worlds, a full SaaS offering with
3 roles: Collaborative Business Innovator to foster innovation in all domains, 3DCreator &
3DSculptor to unleash creativity in 3D! In no time, you’ll be able to simply design, organize,
manage and collaborate from any device! This learning path is structured and sequenced with
a guided and systematic approach to enable you to effectively perform the activities
associated with the roles of the 3DEXPERIENCE platform: Collaborative Business Innovator,
3DCreator and 3DSculptor. It also includes the certificate exam of 3DEXPERIENCE
Collaborative Business Innovator.


Upon the completion of this learning path, you will be able to:

  • Establish an end-to-end collaborative environment to manage documents, social
    communities, and dashboards for a single source of truth and better decision making for
    various stakeholders.
  • Accelerate your design-to-manufacturing process with flexible workflows and real-time
    collaboration, helping your organization deliver innovative products to market faster.
  • Accelerate your design process with rapid iteration on design solutions and real-time
    collaboration helping your organization deliver innovative products to market faster.

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Dassault Systems

Course 3

Contrary to popular thought, the Lorem Ipsum text is not simply random text. It has its roots in a classic piece of Latin literature, dating back to 45 B.C., making it more than 2,000 years old. Richard McClintock, a professor of Latin at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, found one of the most obscure words in the Latin language, “consecteur,” in a passage from Lorem Ipsum, and by reading further through various Latin texts, he discovered the undoubted source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of “de Finnibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil).

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Courses 2

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the text content of a site while looking at its design. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more or less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using texts such as “Content here, content here”. These texts make it look like readable Spanish.

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Dassault Systems

Course 1

Get quickly onboard with the first of the five 3DEXPERIENCE Worlds, a full SaaS offering with 3 roles: Collaborative Business Innovator to foster innovation in all domains, 3DCreator &
3DSculptor to unleash creativity in 3D

Learn more